Castor oil plant

Castor oil plant

(Following reference Indian Medicinal Plants by C.P. Khare (Ed.) An Illustrated Dictionary
With  Pictures of Crude Herbs Library of Congress Control Number: 
ISBN: ---- Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg
©  Springer Science+BusinessMedia, LLC page no.551)

Ricinus communis Linn.

Family Euphorbiaceae.
Habitat Cultivated chiefly in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Orissa.
English Castor seed. Ayurvedic Eranda, Chitrabija, Triputi; Tribija, Vaataari, Chanchu, Manda, Uruvaka, Gandharva-hastaa, Panchaangula, Vardhamaana, Uttaanpatraka, Vyaaghrapuchha, Chitraa. Unani Bedanjeer, Arand.
Siddha/Tamil Ammanakku.

Action Oil from seeds and young leaf—purgative. Oil is used in dermatosis and eczema. Leaves
used as poultice to extract the worm.

Root—a decoction is administered for lumbago and allied complaints.


The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India recommends the decoction of the dried,mature root in rheumatism, pain in the urinary bladder, lumbago, diseases of the abdomen and inflammations; fresh leaf in helminthiasis, dysuria, arthritis, pain in the urinary bladder, dysuria, abscesses; dried seed powder in constipation, rheumatism, diseases of the liver and spleen, piles, lumbago, sciatica. The root extract exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity against carrageenan-, bradykinin-, 5-HT-and dextran-induced rat hind pawoedema. N-Demethylricinine showed dose-dependent anticholestatic and hepatoprotective activities in rats.

Castor oil, derived from the seeds, is a well-known purgative (dose 5– 20 ml). Castor seed contains toxic components (2.8–3.0% on whole seed; about 10% in the flour) which are highly poisonous to human beings and animals. The principal toxic substance is the albumin, ricin. Allergens and a feebly toxic alkaloid ricinine is also present. An ulcerative factor in the seed is reported.

Like other toxalbumins, ricin agglutinizes the mammalian red bleed corpuscles. (Ricin loses its toxicity
and antigenic action on treatment with potassium permanganate.) Castor oil consists principally of ricinoleic acid. Stearic, oleic, linoleic and dihydroxystearic acids are present in small amounts. The strong laxative property of castor oil is reported due to the local irritant action caused in the intestines by ricinoleic acid formed by hydrolysis under the influence of lipolytic enzymes. (The oil should not be used with fat-soluble vermifuge, it may increase its absorption and toxicity.) 

Dosage Root—20–30 g for decoction. (API, Vol. I.) Leaf—10– 20 ml juice; 2–5 g powder; seed—
0.5–3 g powder. (API, Vol. III.)

     It is cultivated through out India. Two varieties are found, small and large as well as red and white . The oil is extracted out seeds called as castor oil ins available in refined form with out smell or taste.

According to Ayurveda the castor tree is sweet, hot, allays vayu and kapha, It is heavy useful in Swelling, feverishness, coughing, digestive disorders and purgation.

Castor oil is cooling soothing and allays vayu, the roots are laxative and many a decoction. They are included as vatahara, the leaves cooling and soothing.

Castor oil is mild laxative even in infants aged people and expectant mothers can take.

It is a non irritant purgative .it never causes griping or pain. Some people add the juice of ginger and then it becomes a better carminative and appetizer many people take with a cupful of milk or tea . In initial stages castor oil is an effective laxative but with prolonged used it loses its effectiveness and stools become hard.

The leaves of castor tree are little hot and applied on the abdominal region bring clear motions.

One important action which I have observed on applying extract of castor leaves applying on ascites patient, size was just like full term pregnant lady has reduced with in a week's treatment.

In the early stages of dysentery some expert clinicians give castor oil and remove the accumulated faeces and then they start the astringent treatment to stop loose motions.

The decoction prepared from dry ginger along with 1 or 2 tea spoonfuls of castor oil will give very clear motion.

There are several disorders like backache, sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis, where the vitiation of vayu is present and where the decoction of root of castor tree along with the decoction of ginger with an addition of pure shilajit will offer relief.

In painful affections of the rectum such as fissures and piles and to prevent strain while passing stool, castor oil in small doses is often of great help. It can also be applied locally with great benefit.

Castor oil is also used in several medicines of which the most well known is simhanada guggulu of which 2 pills morning and evening with other suitable vehicles has been found useful in cases of back ache, sciatica and rheumatic pains.

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